Monday, April 11, 2011

Eduardo Leads

                   1 am at the end of Congress Avenue and lights are still streaming out of the windows of the Capitol building. Politicians are walking out on to the capital grounds and are walking towards their cars hoping to make it home to get a few hours sleep before tomorrow’s day of work.
                “ Well, there isn’t really a typical day. It isn’t like an eight to five job…” For Donna Howard ,Democratic State Representative for Travis County, it has been the beginning of a difficult two years in office.
                Press conferences, baby kissing, shaking hands and adoring constituents.  “My point being because we run for office every other November you are going to be on the ballot you are having to raise funds for a large part of that two year period because you are almost always campaigning.”

1 comment:

  1. plotting a murder is way to weird, btw

    and your way to knowledgeable about this stuff....
    wtffff, wthhh, crazy.
