Sunday, April 10, 2011

Banquo's Leads

Descriptive:The internet has changed things. Jobs once hard have become easy, and jobs once easy have become hard. While people rightfully point to successes like social networking and Youtube, there is one industry that has been damaged by internet availability more than any other: Journalism. Stories people once paid $7 for at a newsstand are now available at the click of a button on or Drudge Report. News organizations now revert to the standards of tabloid rags, neglecting serious stories and focusing on non-issues (Charlie Sheen). Can the industry be saved? Mark Miller is optimistic.
Descriptive:The outlook is bleak for journalism. In financially uncertain times, frugal readers opt to use instead of ordering a subscription to the magazine. Revenues are decreasing, and magazines have felt the crunch. News organizations frequently resort to attention grabbing headlines (“Target: Iran” and “American Assassins”) that provide little actual entertainment or information. The industry seems to waiting for its knight in shining armor. Online news, according to Mark Miller, could be this savior.
Descriptive: Print news has seen its ups and downs. News has started wars (Spanish American War), removed presidents (Watergate scandal), revealed atrocities (the Pentagon Papers), and has hounded celebrities to death (Michael Jackson). While America’s relationship with its press has always been unpredictable, it is clear now that conventional print journalism is in decline. However, Mark Miller sees a way out of this quagmire: nonprofit online journalism is the way to go.


  1. They're all kind of confusing. You spend a long time slamming online news, then you say that this Mark Miller fellow believes that it's actually the way to go. I'd want to keep reading just to see how you'll dig your way out of those leads. If I had to chose, the 2nd one is the best.

    Kathy H.

  2. I kind of like the third one, the descriptive lead, the best. I like how it gives examples and it tells what the article is going to talk about.


  3. Well I like the third lead the best, but just a little tip, try to shorten the leads a little bit. They're pretty wordy and would kind of overwhelm some readers.

  4. I like the thir the best out of the rest. great job of foreshadowing.

  5. I liked the 1st one alot. It really pulled me in and made me want to keep reading more about this topic. The others were great also. GOOD JOB! :)

  6. I think you should describe more about Mark Miller, if he is the person you are focusing on. But I like the third one because it gives you examples and also gives you an idea of how they did it.
