Friday, March 11, 2011

Two hotdogs. Two people.

Sharing is a good thing, not because it helps other people be happy, or anything dumb like that. The real reason for sharing, I have just discovered, is avoiding being stabbed by your friends. In Clariton Pennsylvania, on march sixth, two friends were hanging out. The guest of the two was named Charles Westbrook, and he was making hotdogs. There were two hotgdogs. There were two people. Westbrook then consumed two of the hotdogs once they were complete. There were 0 hotdogs remaining. His friend, being taught quite well in the art of retribution, then inserts a knife into his leg. This was inconvenient for Westbrook, because he had to use that leg. He was rushed to the hospital immediately, and his friend was arrested. The moral of the story: ALWAYS SHARE. THERE ARE GREAT CONSEQUENCES FOR NOT DOING SO. This was kind of rude on the part of Westbrook, who was badly brought up, and never learned the value of courtesy to ones friends.  Although it was awful to stab his leg as well, and two wrongs certainly do not make a right, the hotdogs should be shared.


  1. Haha! Sucks for that guy. I can't imagine having a buddy who'd stab me just for not sharing a hotdog. With friends like these...

    Kathy H.

  2. This made me lol. It shouldn't have, for this event is actually quite tragic, but it did. Getting knifed is definitely a bummer.

  3. this is really funny, i really like your way of writing!

  4. That's horrible! stabbing someone over a hotdog! love how you pulled the moral.

  5. This story was very interesting!
    I like that picture! hahaha!

  6. Where did you find this??? a gruesome way...

  7. This is kind of weird. I get the moral of the story, sharing is good; but it is kind of random. A person stabbing someone in the leg because he ate his hot dog?....Remember proximity.

    -Fly on the Wall

  8. That hot dog look tasty but i do not think its worth fighting over... unless there both homeless starving people then it is but it all works well if they would have split it down the middle.
