Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Felix Leads

Here they are:
    Comparison: The first state to legalize interracial marriage in the U.S did it in 1780. Texas was 187 years late when it was forced in 1967 to do so. This has a very negative connotation for nearly everyone in Texas, and many other states look down on us for it.
    Rhetorical Question: Whose job is it to decide who each person can legally love?
    Comparison: 230 years ago, many a couple moved to Pennsylvania to get married because they looked different than one another. In the present, people have to move to California to get married because they are the same gender.  It seems like Texas should have noticed what was going on years ago, because it might be 187 years late again, and shame many of it’s future citizens. 


1 comment:

  1. I personally like the rhetorical question lead, although it's a little tricky since the government doesn't technically say people can't "legally love" each other. Try rephrasing so it better reflects the issue of marriage legality. Then, follow it with an answer (for example, "Apparently not those in the actual relationship.") Then you can go into your thesis to establish what the Texas law says and what your stance is on that issue.

    - Mrs. Young
